A whole book could be written on the subject of preparation. I think it is the most crucial part of a successful broadcast. Detailed systematic preparation involves the acquisition of basic knowledge, extending to examination of trends, statistics, and the “informal” knowledge – that knowledge that is acquired through talking to people – players, coaches, and other broadcasters. To accomplish this, there are various methods to prepare for a broadcast, including but not limited to:
Spotting Boards
…which many broadcasters use, and the more modern approach of using broadcasters prep software. I use Broadcasters Edge Software, which is a custom made electronic integrated variation of the board. Read more about my spotting boards…
STAA Pyramid
A large portion of what we do is the acquisition of “nuggets”, those golden bits of information you can only acquire by talking to relevant players and coaches associated with your broadcast. Read more…
Memory Systems
My success in play by play has been due in large part to my ability to memorize information, specifically uniform numbers, during a game. I am going to share the system I use here with you. Read more…